Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Corruptco Blogfest

Scene: Daniels Elementary School
Daniels, WV Mrs. Baker's 5th grade classroom
Pre Holiday(Christmas) activities December 2006

{Mr. Jeff Skilling is half-way to completing his mandatory 150 hours of community service and the $95.59 fine that the courts levied on him for destroying the lives of hundreds of loyal employees, investors, retirees, and basically the average American's faith in the whole commodity/stock trading system in the United States for decades to come. Once again American judicial law leads the world as a coveted example.}

Jeff Skilling(JS): "Hello Boys & Girls!"

"My name is Jeffrey Skilling, formerly the head of a really big company called Enron in a really big state called Texas, the home of our really cool President, Mr. Bush who asked your principal Mr. James if it was OK if I came to speak with you about America and our freedom and the America way of life!"

Mrs Baker (school guidance couselor): "Isnt' that great kids!? Can we all welcome Mr. Skilling to our wonderful school?" (Applaud)


JS: " Good Morning to you too!"
"OK, let's begin by telling you that our wonderful president asked me to come here to let you know that you, here in the great state of WV are one of the luckiest kids in the whole world! Does anyone care to take a guess why?"

class: " Because we just got a new Wal-Mart in Town?"

JS: " Yes! That's one great reason, but there's one more reason and it has to do with energy."

class: *blank looks*

JS: " ...ah keeping your TV's turned on..."

Class: " 'LECTRICITY!!"

JS: " Right!, So what does WV have more than the great state of Texas?"

Class: " Really close relatives?!?"

JS:" No. You have coal!. Texas has Oil! You, know , that black stuff you see at the beginning of those Beverly Hillbilly reruns?"
" Anyway about coal:Those little fine black rocks that your Dad or Uncle dig for way down in the earth! Those things are precious because it can be used for fuel to heat up the big spinning fans in big buildings that produce electricity!"

"Now, a lot of people would tell you that coal and oil are not good, that they are bad for the environment and that people should not use them. "

"But they are wrong! They do not know what they are talking about."Coal is good. Oil is good. Energy is good. It's what America's all about!"

"Coal from WV is good and Oil from Texas is good because it makes our country stronger and keeps the money out of bad people's hands that live a long long ways away across the ocean. So that's why we have to keep digging and keep drilling to find the coal in your mountains, and find the oil that God gave us under the earth! Isn't that great?"

Class: "YEAH!!!!"

JS: " Now, don't you learn things in Sunday School at church that God wants us to work real hard and be good stewards of the earth? There are some people, mostly out in California that wouldn't know a good gospel prechin' church if it bit em on their butt-
would rather us live in grass huts, eat nuts all day and never build neat and fun places to eat like McDonalds!"

Class: "BOOOOOOO!!!!"

JS: " I know it is hard to believe, but that is what your dad and my dad have worked so hard to build: a good structure for bringing electricity to every boys and girls home in America with American goods! I mean, everyone can't work at Wal-Mart or McDonalds can they?"

Class: " Nooo!"

JS: " Right. So we have to work here to keep America strong unlike some people who don't want us to build anything because they are to lazy, fat, or convinced it might hurt some owls, cows or frogs..."

"They say bad things about the hard work that your daddy works so hard at too. Like coal makes the air dirty and helps make the earth warmer and all that stuff. Even really smart scientists like Dr. Lovelock from a big school in England called Oxford says there is nothing to worry about now."

"And speaking about hard work in those coal mines hundreds of feet down in the ground it may interest you that with oil, we only have to bury a pipe and flush it with fresh drinkable water to get it! No chemicals!
Isn't that exciting!"

Class: "YEAAA!"

But you know, we've been having a lot of trouble lately finding new sources of oil in Texas, so naturally our president suggested finding it in Alaska, where there are nothing but penquins and Eskimos! Do you think they would mind if we take some of that valuable oil to help little boys and girls like you have electricity to play games on and cars to get to school in? Of course not!
Unfortunately there are no coal fields in Alaska, as much as there are here in your beautiful state of WV." "But how do we get it out of there? Well, boys and girls, just like oil - it needs a truck a train a ship or a pipeline ! And Daddys make those things all around the world! Cool huh?"

Class: "COOL!"

JS: " Since we need those things, it keeps little boys and girls Daddy's working in places like Michigan so they can build those trucks! And they work in factories in China so we can get that steel! Some of that steel might have originally come from NYC! Isn't that funny?!
So we can get those really neat toys you buy at Wal-Mart really really cheap! Is that a bad thing?"

Class: "NOOOO!"

"Those trucks need roads to drive on. So, you need to have some boy's and girls daddy's or mommy's help making the roads and putting up all those little neat signs along side that says: McDonalds Burger King Gas NEXT EXIT!"
"Do you boys and girls like to go to McDonalds?"

class: "YEA!!!!"

JS: "See? This is what makes America great and free! People driving down the road on their way to McDonalds and enjoying a good meal in a nice warm, lighted restaurant!"

Class: "YEAH!!"

"There are some bad people who would tell your daddy and mommy thay cannot dig the earth that God in His wisdom gave us here in WV. They think it is better that we have large and ugly windmills all over the roads! Just like they have in Holland! What a silly thought! What century do they think it is?"HAHA!"
"And there are other people who believe you can make your lights go on by only using ice cream! ha ha! Isn't that funny?"

Class " HA HAA HAA"!

"You see boys and girls, the coal that your Daddy digs out of the ground, not only helps other boys and girls moms and dads when they work to bring it to market but it also helps train companies like Norfolk Southern Railroad." http://www.nscorp.com/nscorp/index.jsp And my...I mean-their stock price!

"They have lots and lots of choo-choo trains that go up and down the track bringing loads of coal your daddy has spent all day digging up to ports to be shipped to China or other good countries that are our friends. The trains ship really neat stuff like the trees we have to cut down on the mountains to make you a park and swimming holes. The trees are made into lumber for little boys and girls houses!"


"Wood is really neat huh? You can plant more trees and in a few years you have another tree grow! That's being environmental! It also makes stock prices of big companies like Home Depot go higher and higher! But remember boys and girls, we need lights on in those Home Depot and Wal-Mart stores so Daddy and Mommy can see what they're buying!"

Class: " Yea! Games! Toys!"

" Right. So when you hear a choo choo train at night, probably carrying wood and a lot of those explosives we use to cut through the rock in the mountain to get to the coal, you can go back to sleep knowing little boys and girls daddys are going to be hard at work and getting a pay check!" Then buying toys for their kids!
"And everyone here loves to hear a choo-choo whistle right? Right!"

Class : "YEAA!"

"Now the ports are where the big ships that come in from all over the world to load up our coal and give us money for it. Isn't that nice? The ships are needed to ship it to other countries ports, so those trucks can get it to their power stations just like ours here in WV. And the people that own the ports have lots and lots of money that makes them so happy they give some of it back!"

"Now, some of the bad people that don't want your Daddy to work, mostly lazy fat boys and girls that didn't finish high school or don't go to a good Christian church-
think that it is better for trees and birds and bears and frogs to be tresspassing in your back yard rather than clear out the bush, the dead trees, build a few houses and dig a few holes to get the coal."

"Of course sometimes the holes we have to dig here in WV and other states tend to get a little bigger than we anticipate, but you know what? All we have to do is fill it with a little sand, let it rain and there you have a big natural swimming hole to go swimming in on a hot summer day! Everybody loves to swim right? " http://www.citizenscoalcouncil.org/facts/mtntop.htm

class: "YeEAAA!!!!"

JS : " What a great way to earn money huh? Diggin really neat tunnels all day long and playing hide-and-seek with your friends on lunch breaks! How cool!"


Class (mostly boys) "YAAAAAAA!"

JS: "So now we have talked about how great America is because we have electricity that runs our lights and runs your TV, and keeps truck companies making more trucks, and keeps road people making more roads, that keeps choo-choo trains running and ships sailing and little boys and girls all over the world can be happy!
The president once asked me and some friends to get together for a pizza one day -"

.."over at his really big house, and all we talked about was making sure that you boys and girls would have all the Electricity you would need to grow up, get a job at the mines, and have lights on for your wives when they are cooking you a really good Steak for when you come home!"

Class: " Yeah"!

JS: "Well , it has certainly been a pleasure to talk to you today about energy and how it keeps making America getting better and better. But you know that as good Christian Republican boys and girls,


you have to turn the other cheek when it comes to some bad people that want your Daddys to stop digging for the valuable coal in the ground. Those bad people need electricity to, and it's up to us to be sure that they get it!" So they can grow up just like you and work real hard making America great and buy neat toys and games for their kids at Wal-Mart too!"

Class: "Yeaa!"

JS: "And remember: America is not good because she is great, but America is great because she is Good!!"

Class: "Yeaa!"

Miss Baker: " Now class, Mr Skilling's new company "New Concepts in Energy (L.L.P.)" will be sponsoring a field trip today down at our very own town MCDONALDS RESTAURANT!!
So everyone grab your coats and hop on the buses!"


http://www.jesuscampthemovie.com THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Never a Dull Moment


WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 (UPI) -- A United Arab Emirates government-owned company is poised to take over port terminal operations in 21 American ports, far more than the six widely reported.
The Bush administration has approved the takeover of British-owned Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to DP World, a deal set to go forward March 2 unless Congress intervenes.
P&O is the parent company of P&O Ports North America, which leases terminals for the import and export and loading and unloading and security of cargo in 21 ports, 11 on the East Coast, ranging from Portland, Maine to Miami, Florida, and 10 on the Gulf Coast, from Gulfport, Miss., to Corpus Christi, Texas, according to the company's Web site.

More about the Port Deal you might have not heard:

On the face of it, a simple matter of a buyout of a company, allowing existing contracts to continue. But step back and examine the buyout, which did not go to the highest bidder. Why would the stockholders approve of a deal giving them substantially less money, to sell to the UAE, than selling to Singapore would have provided? Indonesia is not only a staunch ally of the US and Britain, but also had no links to terrorism or support of 911 and Bin Laden. The stockholders of the private British company up for sale, of course, were not presented with an option, nor are private companies that well regulated so few recourses were available to the stockholders, so they took the option they were given. Grab the money and run. The known links to terrorism the UAE presented included hosting Bin Laden for hospital care in the months leading into 911, visiting him in Pakistan, being the home country for a number of the 911 terrorists, and laundering money for the 911 crowd. With this rap sheet, why would the British and the US want to encourage their control of key ports in the US?


The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man-John Perkins

Thanks to Jeff Wells and RI commenters

http://www.jesuscampthemovie.com THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Legends-Part III

"Our Nation is the greatest force for good in history."
-President George W. Bush
Crawford, TX. Aug 31,2002

One might begin to wonder what kind of "good" the President was referring to, but then, that opens up a strangely dark box with a big 'P' on it.

Charles Krauthammer wrote in the Washington Post , celebrating the success of the American bombing campaign in Afghanistan:

"Victory Changes everything. The elementary truth that seems to elude the experts again and again-the Afghan war and the next war-
is that power is its own reward. The psychology in the region is now one of fear and deep respect for American power. Now is the time to use it to deter, defeat, or destroy the other regimes in the area that are host to radical Islamic terrorism. America is no mere international citizen. It is the dominant power in the world, more dominant than any since Rome. Accordingly, 'America is in a position to re-shape norms, alter expectations and create new realities. How? By unapologetic and implacable demonstrations of will."
Chalmers Johnson -The Sorrows of Empire 2004

I have a funny feeling the current administration took his writings seriously. Or maybe he was preparing us for what they had already seriously committed to. What other rational could explain the torture and senseless destruction that has occurred in Iraq? Why keep hundreds of detainees incommunicado for months? What is the point? It is a proven fact, unless you are John Wayne in a Hollywood flick, that physical/mental torture will break anyone's will within a short period of time.
Could there be more to this tragedy than what we are being lead to believe?
Some have already come to that conclusion.

Professor Pan writes: "..that the goings-on at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were not just examples of bored, unsupervised soldiers gone wild, but were part of a cleverly orchestrated, historically documented program of sexual/ritualistic mind control. "

Inded we are going in areas that are the darkest yet, that effect us to the core and begin to change the ways we perceive what we have been taught in school, news and TV jouralism. But again, sometimes Journalists get it right, and have the temerity to post things not altogether becoming to the integrity of the leaders we as children were taught to aspire to.

In May of 1990 in an Executive Intelligence Review article Ted Gunderson (28 year FBI veteran, & former special agent in charge of the LA field Division) said:

"In the McMartin Preschool case, before any criminal charges were filed against anyone, 460 complaints were filed with the Manhattan Beach police. Are we to believe that 460 famlies fed their children the same story of ritualistic sexual abuse, animal sacrifices?"
(The Franklin Coverup John DeCamp pgxx)

Of course we all know that the charges were dropped and the media went on to other more important things.

Mr. Gunderson goes on to speak of the thousands of missing children each year:

"The FBI has an accurate count of the number of automobiles stolen every year. It knows the number of homicides, rapes, and robberies, but the FBI has no idea of the number of children who disappear every year. They simply do not ask for the statistics.....I am convinced that the FBI does not ask for these statistics because they do not want to see them."

This might create a public outcry in an age of 6 year old dead beauty queens and amber alerts that would give designers of milk cartons an overload of material to work with.

And what about the Franklin Scandel?
The Franklin Credit Union centered in Omaha raised public interest when in 1988 the Credit Union was raided and shut down by Federal agencies. Franklin's manager was Lawrence E. King, Jr, a rising star in state and Republican circles, an officer of the National Black Republican Council. King sang the national anthem at the GOP national conventions in 84 and 88.
Nearly 40 Million dollars was missing in that small town bank that only had deposits of 1-2 million. Sometimes it pays to follow the money.

Larry King was a phenominal figure in all this. In repects to his involvement with Boys Town , and other girls orhpanages, he figures in with the lurid story of those who might not be missed and can be used without easy ramifications.
Johnny Gosch was an 12 year old paper boy that disappeared in Des Moines, about this time, was never heard from again, but has frightening connections with the possibility that he could be the Jeff Gannon we all know and love of the former Talon News Services.
Paul Bonacci who was also his age tells of the abduction and horrid stories of his ritual abuses.

Johnny's mother, Noreen, years later told Decamp:

"...Then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearance. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was also a very close friend of Anton LaVey [the late founder of the Church of Satan]. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use this experimentation upon children where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they're questioned, or put under oath, or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple personality disorder they turn up with no evidence."

Please keep this in mind. Colonel Michael Aquino figures prominately in the course of these mysteries.

In the rising public furor that accompanied the failed Credit Union and the emerging sex scandel, Gary Caradori was appointed the main investigative head by the Nebraska Legislature told Senator Loran Schmit:

"To be frank, it is my opinion that we are the only ones who are seriously working to get this case out in the open."

In July 1990 Caradori phoned Senator Schmit saying:

"We've got them! There's no way they can get out of this now. "

Then after returning from a Chicago All-Star game with his eight year old son AJ,
his private plane mysteriously crashed and killed both Caradori and his son in a field near Aurora IL.

At the Nebrask statehouse that morning, Senatory Schmit talked to reporters, who soon filled his office.
"There wer a lot of people in this stae who wanted to see gary dead. They got their wish."

Intelligence officers and cultists have a lot in common. Secrecy is a way of life for both the spy and the sorcerer:they both use does and code names: they both pretend to be able to influence events at a distance. They both specialize in the manipulation of reality and they are both ruthless and often amoral or immoral in the pursuit of their goals...
When one can so easily manipulate the perception of reality, one eventually come to the realization that Truth, itself, is a malleable thing. So it was only natural that the cultist and the spy would gravitate towards each other and would try to learn from each other.
Peter Levenda/ Rosmary's Baby SF

Someone, it seemed, was getting worried with what Gary had to say, and had the resources to find that out,keep it in check and take care of loose ends. It is not without surprise that such unbelievable stories can emerge then depart from the public scene, without a big deal, as the rest of us go on with our lives, with our dreams of the future and hopes of who's going to be in the Super Bowl next year.
There is in this a disconnect, in full view, that does not become us as a people, supposedly a free people, that we endure the increasingly transparant lack of integrity that is shockingly apparent in elite economic ,political, and military circles of today.

And the legacy lives on.

part IV soon.

http://www.jesuscampthemovie.com THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Legends-Part II

"In a mainly materialist and secular age, what would appear to be extra-terrestrial or highly advanced phenomena, might be in reality, spiritual."
-Dean Koontz,The Taking

Phobias are very strange. Considering myself, sometimes at night, like many others I assume, have a tendency to an inner dark churning ,a 'pregnant' fear of driving, of poverty or of death, that in itself becomes a new fear , that is of losing control.
I usually just rack it up to tiredness, and in the morning I smile (not laugh), at my silly childlike frays, but not without the knowledge that sometimes- in some people those silly nuances become full malignant nightmares.

These days, one might not be considered odd to have atomosophobia, - the fear of atomic war, or worse-Botanophobia - the fear of (Bush) plants.

The Necronomicon was first mentioned in Lovecraft's 1923 short story "The Hound", though hints of it (or similar books) appear as far back as "The Statement of Randolph Carter" (1919). In the stories, the book is dangerous to read because it is often harmful to the health and sanity of its readers. For this reason, libraries keep it under lock and key.

The NECRONOMICON, (The Book of the Dead or The Book of the Sleeping) , is according to Lovecraft's tales, a volume written in Damascus in the Eighth Century, A.D., by a person called the "Mad Arab", Abdhul Alhazred.
It is here, we find the many strange, exciting and mystifying, but dangerous references to the gates and doorways.

In continuing our segue, we find that Aliestor Crowley is rumored to have found an actual copy, and commented on it:

"Our work is therefore historically authentic; the rediscovery of the Sumerian Tradition."

THOTH in Coptic is the name given to the Egyptian God of Magick and Wisdom, TAHUTI, who was evoked by both the Golden Dawn and by Crowley himself (and known to the Greeks as Hermes, from whence we get "Hermetic"). AZAG-THOTH is, therefore, a Lord of Magicians, but of the "Black" magicians, or the sorcerers of the "Other Side".

It is interesting to note that Crowley's Tarot was named THOTH, with exquisite detail in each card given, especially in the Major Arcana.
Please keep in mind that the practice of the TAROT is not necessarily a pursuit in finding the latest stock picks, but a garnering and focusing of energies that synergizes the ideas of what you are now, where you are now and the probability of where you might be going.

This possibility however, opens up a new can of worms:

Peter Levenda (Sinister Forces):

"If Church and State are not separate in reality, into the world of action, then where does Science stand? Is it an outgrowth of the church, and a tool of the State? Or does the answer lie in the cults, the secret societies, the occult orders of yesterday and today? What did the CIA learn during its long investigation of psychology and the paranormal? Why did they shred all the documentation of this that they could find?"

On the Senate floor, Senator Ted Kennedy said:

"The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over 30 universities and institutions were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign."
(One Government subsidizing university:PEAR)

So be it that us "Babyboomers" will reap the benifits.

"Yet 1947 is also in the running as the pivotal year of the postwar period. Many of the issues that define that generation owe their conception to the events of that year. 1947 was the year the CIA was created, and the penetrating of secrets; it was the year of the famous UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico and the subsequent concealing of secrets; the year the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and the exposure of secrets. It was the year Winston Churchcill made his famous "Iron Curtain" speech, thus declaring the beginning of the Cold War. Its' the year that the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) begins its full-scale investigation of Hollywood. It is the year that inventor Arthur Young leaves Bell Helicopter for a full-time study in paranormal phenomena. It is the year that the US Navy begins Project CHATTER, the search for a viable truth serum, a magic potion to unlock the secrets of the mind. It is the year the Corporal is launched: America's answer to thte V-2 rocket, compliments of Jack Parsons and the rest of the JPL rocketeers."

Working was in the wings for the next year's celebration of the first time Israel would become a country since King David's & son Solomon.
And with the rise of the CIA, the rise of MKLUTRA and a plethora of other dastadley deeds.

"Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."
-George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992

It is interesting to note that with the first atomic explosions occuring in the physical universe, we might also suggest that there have been the beginnings of occultic phenomena of atomic proportions since then.
It is a commonly held belief that in churches and covens, that the more "focused use of energy"-people- there are, the more spectacular results. Is it strange to suggest that the proliferation of magick themes in games, books and movies today is somehow related to the missionary works of Parson, Crowley, Gardner and others?

In 1975 the United States Government, namely the CIA, first began their investigation into what is known today as remote viewing. The remote viewing (RV) work at SRI (1972-1990) and at SAIC (1990-1995) is unique in the history of the field of parapsychology. For one thing, it is the only long-term psi- research program known to have been funded by the U.S. government (specifically, the Department of Defense and different intelligence agencies, such as the CIA); second, its raison d'être was, from the outset, driven by an interest in applications, i.e., the use of psi for intelligence operations; third, because of its sensitive nature, a majority of this work has been - and still is - classified.Nevertheless, a recent Congressionally Directed Action induced a declassification of a small portion of the documents, as well as leading to an evaluation of the 24-year government-sponsored program, known as STARGATE.

The raw data indicate that the viewer had identified a Ring around Jupiter, a sketch of which appears in the raw data (presented ahead) and is also verbally identified.Conventional scientific wisdom held that Jupiter did not possess any Rings. This particular datum was one reason the experiment was laughed out of town by many.
The existence of the Ring was discovered and confirmed in early 1979, six years after the Jupiter Probe had taken place.Dr. Puthoff, the SRI project's director, was first notified of the discovery by telephone from one of the JPL astrophysicists analyzing the NASA data -- and who was also one of the original guardians of the raw data. The existence of the Ring "came as a complete surprise to scientists." One such radical experiment, the "Jupiter Probe," took place in 1973 at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) under the excellent auspices of Dr. H.E. Puthoff and Mr. Russell Targ (both esteemed physicists) and other competent scientists of the Radio Physics Laboratory. --
Lest we run full boar into conspiracy theory, we should not forget the documented evidence that the government-our government- used our tax money to help further the cause of 'freedom'.
Dr. Cameron's research still lives in the halls of infamy.

So now we must ask ourselves: Why would the government spend so much money and time on something that was supposed to only be reserved for science fiction writers or nut case UFO groupies?

One of President Carter's promise(s) was to open "CIA classified" information on aspects of the UFO controvesy, which in later years , it denied of ever existing:

The Carter promise of a complete release of UFO information, made before the election, changed slowly until in a statement made in a letter written by Deputy Press secretary Walter Wurfel, the campaign pledge to release UFO information had completely disappeared.

"He (Carter) is committed to the fullest possible openness in government and would support full disclosure of material that was not defense sensitive that might relate to UFOs. He did not, however, pledge to "make every piece of information concerning the UFOs available to the public."

Now, where have I heard that response before?

Jacques Vallee:

"There is a feeling that I get in the course of my investigations of being in the presence of a form of consciousness that is truly remarkable. That consciousness has a great sense of absurdity, and also a great sense of humor."

It is then, not without surprise that the first card of the THOTH Major Arcana, WHICH IS NUMBERED ZERO:
The Trickster, the FOOL.

Next week: part 3
http://www.jesuscampthemovie.com THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


In a vain attempt to lighten things up a bit, the award winning and possible future pulitzers at LothlorienPath have dug up this amazing piece in world history for your enjoyment:

For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, well, this Bud's for you:

At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated,

"If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon."

Not to be outdone, GM quickly issued a formal response to Bill's comments in a press release stating:

" If GM had developed technology like Microsoft, we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics":

1. For no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.

2. Every time they repainted the lines in the road, you would have tobuy a new car.

3. Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to pull to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car, restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason you would simply accept this.

4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine.

5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable,five times as fast and twice as easy to drive - but would run on only five percent of the roads.

6. The oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "This Car Has Performed an Illegal Operation"warning light.

7. The airbag system would ask "Are you sure?" before deploying.

8. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, your car would lock you outand refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the doorhandle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the radio antenna.You would look like a totaly moron but would not care.

9. Every time a new car was introduced car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because!- none of the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.

10. You'd have to press the "Start" button to turn the engine off.

11. The chances of replacing the factory AM/FM radio with an enhanced IPOD/MP3 receiver might cause the unit to overheat, catch fire, thereby blowing up your car, your home, and half a city block, resulting in possible damage to the MP/3.

Stupid move. No one messes with someone who spends more on hair regeneration treatments than the annual revenues of Iceland.

Soon after, Bill Gates ordered all of his "personnel" to buy up as much GM stock as possible (while shorting the shit out of it at the same time)-
then dumping it quickly, but not before circulating the dirty rumor that GM tried to shelve Mass Transit a long long time ago.
O, and that the CEO might be gay.

Well, that did it, and if you own any GM shares, you might soon earn the right to proudly frame them with your Enron Shares above your fireplace mantel in case you run out of newspaper.
credits: me (i'm shy) & my(not shy) mother in law(forward)

To Serve our customers better, we here at LP have started another (less dark)
blog that will have the lite genre as this,please feel free to visit, praise, criticize,contribute..whatever.
http://www.jesuscampthemovie.com THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Legends -Part I

It might be said that God has a sense of humor, since we have an ability to turn something not funny-to funny, even though it's still not funny.

I should start out by warning you that this posting is as far from the joyous laughter in the great halls of Kramerica , as accountability and compassion has in the great halls of the White House.

This is the darkside of Conspiracy theory. Some things no one can prove, or disprove, but some things we know by intuition to be true, and our being and our actions follow accordingly, even if we don't understand why.

As in the scenes of ‘THE RING’, you will find this dismaying and unfathomable, the floor beneath you giving a little and loosing your hold on what you thought was reality.

Jeff Wells said it best:

"Of course, this historical moment's premier catalyst for consideration of the unthinkable is 9/11, though the 2000 election makes a strong contender. And once we go there, with all our intelligence and informed intuition, there is no more firmament..."

Those who gain their knowledge of reality from FOX or CNN will believe aspects of any 'other' information to be subjective or conjecture, reserved for the loony or bored.

This is not to say that much of what is reported in National Enquirer type news are always based on facts-
but sometimes tabloids ‘get it right’, push the envelope- and pay the consequences.
American Media Inc. was hit during the Anthrax scare, and one company man died because of it .AMI was (coincidentally) located near where some of the alleged highjackers trained at the flight school in Florida.

Jeff Wells: “ The buzzsaw is a powerful system of censorship in this country that is revealed to those reporting on extremely sensitive stories, usually having to do with high-level government and/or corporate malfeasance. It often has a fatal effect on one's career, bank account or one's life.”

and further:

"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know. "
Baron Sardonicus

What do we do?
In the scheme of things we can fall back on the old age Latin tag of “Qui Bono?” Then garner what we know to be true in certain cases. After all, if it begins looking like a duck..

How we got to this point in world history is very important to begin to understand where we are going tomorrow. The reasons are out there, albeit hidden, or sometimes hidden in plain site. History, as much as it is forgotten, ignored or demonized can and does provide us a 'painting' that alludes to the world today.

History tells us what should not be ignored , even though it tries to be conformed a differently in classrooms and newspapers across North America, for reasons we are left only to wonder about.

A little background:

There are volumes of text on the history of the Rothschild family, their cunnings in trade, investments and beginnings to establish the first fractional reserve banking system named appropriately, The Bank of England. Therefore having ever increasing wealth, and with that influence, and with that- power. To say this has not influenced the modern world and US history is to refuse to look down the rabbit hole and brazenly say: "There is no rabbit hole", just because you didn't look.

Imagine for a moment what you would do if you had tens of millions of dollars deposited into your bank account each year without fail. Would you be sitting here reading this? Would you be married, going steady, living where you do now?
In time you would conceivably get bored with driving the newest, fastest cars, yachting, skydiving, and exploring the seas off Fuji. Then what?

It has been said that the thinking ways of " Old Money Elites", as is Royalty, is as profound as our thinking is different from 7 year olds. There comes a time where they cannot fathom living a life differently, could not live differently and finally will not tolerate living differently. It becomes their ‘divine’ right, from birth, pedigree, or cunning that holds their minds to the belief that it is right and good, and must be, and must keep being that way- at all costs.

History tells us that the wealthy Rothschild family made a decision to join a rather disliked, secret, and unknown group of spiritualist called the Masons in 1776. This could be passed off as eccentric rich men’s bored attempt to find meaning, but history, once again, suggests otherwise.

"There exists in our world today a powerful and dangerous secret cult. This cult is patronized and protected by the highest level government officials in the world. Its membership is composed of those in the power centers of government, industry, commerce, finance, and labor. It manipulates individuals in areas of important public influence - including the academic world and the mass media. The Secret Cult is a global fraternity of a political aristocracy whose purpose is to further the political policies of persons or agencies unknown. It acts covertly and illegally."
Victor Marchetti, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence

Going deeper:

Aleister Crowley’s name lives on since his death in 1947. It is said that his learnings with the mystic Golden Dawn Order, helped him establish a new religion called Thelema in the early 1900's. The base being a term well known : “Do what thou will, shall be the whole of the law” and ,” Love is the law , Love under will.” But Crowley's meaning of "Love" is as complex as that of "Will". It is frequently sexual, especially in ritual, a point for which he was well known.
This was also important in the order of the Golden Dawn and Masonry, which begins to take on deeper meaning as time goes on.

In 1912 Crowley became involved with the British section of the O.T.O. (the Ordo Temple Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East), a German occult order practicing magic.
The leader of the OTO was a German named Theodor Reuss, a former Freemason and Illuminatus. He initiated Crowley into the sect in 1910 and in 1912 granted him a charter to launch a British branch of the secret society. Crowley moved to the United States in 1914.

Crowley is not the main focus of this discourse, but I find that Crowley’s name keeps coming up in modern history.
Jack Parsons, who was an American working on the Rocket/Space Program had an interesting hobby practicing sex magick in California after Crowley chose him to lead Agape Lodge, the OTO in California in 1941. Jack Parson was also a partner in rituals with L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology. Mr. Hubbard was an high ranking officer in the US Navy and married a girl who’s mother was the daughter of an affluent banker.
Indeed, it would seem that an honest study of late baby boomer's music was filled with rock & roll occultic/sex/ and magick themes.
Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) was so impressed with Crowley that many of Crowley’s terms were found on his albums-especially 'Stairway to Heaven'- and he bought Boleskine House, Crowley’s rural retreat, where, Jim Morrison, from the Doors, is said to have died under mysterious circumstances.
Just to name a few.

What does this have to do with us today?
One might want to look at the aspects of Bohemian Grove , a beautiful 2700 acre redwood forest, located in Monte Rio, CA. It contains accommodation for 2000 people to "camp" in luxury. It is owned by the Bohemian Club.
Notable people have attended the very private gatherings that some might call just a campfire in the woods but other's might call something else.
I tend to be of the later descriptions. It is interesting to note that Republicans and Democrats have attended, as the same have attended Harvard, Yale and Skull & Bones.

In magick , occultic lore, psycology and even religion, there exists dimensions that are not easily accessable. Furthermore,there are 'doorways', that are not meant to be opened casually, if they be opened at all, but because they are doors, can be.

These points all tie together and I beg your patience.

We'll get into this deeper next week.
Sweet Dreams.

photo: RI
http://www.jesuscampthemovie.com THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


In Reverence to Rev. Billy Gisher A meme:

1) I would like to see the Internet used to empower the individual.

2) I wish that everyone would recognize that we are all stuck on this planet together and we need to work with each other to be able to survive. We do not have a backup planet.

3) I believe the news media should present us with the actual facts of any news event, and allow each of us to decide how to interpret the facts, without the media filtering or slanting the information.

This was started by the Reverend Billy Bob Gisher at Less People Less idiots. This idea - to spread the three statements/ideals developed in a first step to help form community and public opinion, to think for oneself, and to work together & find common ground.
Already dozens, if not hundreds of respected national and multi-national corporate and government leaders , have commented positively on the Reverend's fine work. From all of us at LothlorienPath, we applaud your efforts.
If the spirit leads you, you can help too.
http://www.jesuscampthemovie.com THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!