Saturday, December 24, 2005

Something's up

Now this is very strange.

Most of us are aware of the Iranian plan to open up a new oil bourse being traded exclusively in EUROS-not US DOLLARS in March 2006.
coincidentally , the Federal Reserve ( later & casually),
stated that they were going to stop reporting the M3 (aggragate money supply) index. Both are historic and notable occurances.
I assume you are aware that the Federal Reserve is not part of the US Government.

But now- fasten your seat belts:

In his Dec. 23rd 2005 report Mr. McHugh says:

"Over the past two days, December 21st - when our first Hindenburg Omen (of whatever cluster is coming) - and Thursday December 22nd, the Federal Reserve has conducted one of the largest two-day Repo injections of money into the system since back in September 2001.The Federal Reserve currently has three vacancies within the 19 top Regional Bank and Board of Governor spots. Why? Part of ongoing wholesale resignations.So what about M-3 the past week? The latest figures show that on a seasonally adjusted basis, M-3 rose 27.3 billion last week, a 14.0 percent annualized clip, and is up $76 billion over the past month, a 9.8 percent growth rate. But those are the massaged numbers. For the raw figures, fasten your seat belt. Are you ready?

M-3 was increased $58.7 billion last week (that does not include the huge Repo infusions noted above), a 30.0 percent annualized rate of growth. For the past two week, the Fed added $93.5 billion to the money supply, a 24.0 percent annual clip. Over the past 6 weeks it is up $192.9 billion, a 16.7 percent Banana Republic hyperinflationary pace.

This is nuts, folks - unless there is an incredible risk out there we are not being told about...."

This might be a good time to stock up on a few extra can goods & propane after unwrapping those presents.

Happy New Year.

Special thanks to:
JC in Copenhagen DK

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The White House

What the President (Really) was thinking:
Decemeber 17, 2005
The White House
10:06 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.
(Eat shit, I don't want to be here)

As President, I took an oath to defend (crap on) the Constitution, and I have no greater responsibility than to (make me and my friends as much money as possible) protect our people, our freedom, and (my) our way of life.

On September the 11th, 2001, our freedom and way of life came under attack by brutal enemies (in your government, but who would ever believe a nobody like you) who killed nearly 3,000 innocent Americans (collateral damage). We're fighting these enemies across the world (especially if they don't pay their IMF loans on time).

Yet in this first (of many to come) war of the 21st century, one of the most critical battlefronts is the home front (you). And since September the 11th, we've been on the offensive against the terrorists plotting within our borders (watch what you write , say or blog, or your ass is ours).

One of the first actions we took to protect America after our nation was attacked was to ask (bullshit) Congress to pass the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act tore down the legal (boorish and ridiculous) and bureaucratic (lawfully constitutional) wall that kept law (Blackwater death squad goons) enforcement and intelligence authorities from sharing vital information about terrorist threats. And the Patriot Act allowed federal investigators to pursue terrorists(against you-if you cop an attitude) with tools(anything they damn well want ) they already used against other criminals. Congress passed this law with a large, bipartisan majority, including a vote of 98-1 in the United States (bought&paid for suck ass) Senate.

Since then, America's law enforcement personnel have used this critical law to prosecute terrorist operatives (especially presidents that get blow jobs during work hours) and supporters, and to break up terrorist cells in New York, Oregon, Virginia, California, Texas and Ohio (who cares if we have not even tried one case successfully?). The Patriot Act has accomplished exactly what it was designed to do: (keep tabs on any middle-class assholes that might get ideas) it has protected American liberty and saved American lives.
Yet key provisions of this law are set to expire in two weeks.

The terrorist threat to our country will not expire in two weeks (we will make sure of that). The terrorists want to attack America again, and inflict even greater damage than they did on September the 11th (the best is yet to come). Congress has a responsibility to ensure that law enforcement and intelligence officials have the tools they need to protect(their God given wages from) the American people.

The (obsolete) House of Representatives passed reauthorization of the Patriot Act. Yet a minority of senators filibustered to block the renewal of the Patriot Act when it came up for a vote yesterday (Fucking morons that don't want to play dice). That decision is irresponsible (they're screwed), and it endangers (their) the lives of our citizens. The senators who are filibustering must stop (or else)
their delaying tactics, and the Senate must vote to reauthorize the Patriot Act. In the war on terror, we cannot afford to be without this law for a single moment. (This is not a suggestion).

To fight the war on terror, I am using authority vested in me by (a totally worthless) Congress, including the Joint Authorization for Use of Military Force, which passed overwhelmingly in the first week after September the 11th. I'm also using constitutional authority vested in me as Commander-in-Chief (I rule, you drool, so do as I say).

In the weeks following the terrorist attacks on our nation, I authorized the National Security Agency, consistent with U.S. law and the Constitution, to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist (your family) organizations. Before we intercept these communications (listen in on your phone conversations), the government must have information that establishes a clear link to these terrorist networks (and from any of you uneducated morons that think we give a damn, but discover we don't and think of becoming a hero).

This is a highly classified (elite-NWO) program that is crucial to our (me and my friends) national security. Its purpose is to detect and prevent terrorist attacks against the United States, our (my) friends and allies. Yesterday the existence of this secret program (which has been going on for decades) was revealed in media reports
(which is illegal if we don't like it),
after being improperly (constitutionally) provided to news organizations (Watch their stock price coincidentally begin to plummet soon).

As a result, our enemies have learned information they should not have, and the unauthorized (not government approved) disclosure of this effort damages our national security and puts our (me and my family) citizens at risk. Revealing (I miss Jeff Gannon) classified information is illegal, alerts our enemies, and endangers our country (I miss Jeff Gannon).

As the 9/11 Commission pointed out (what a ruse), it was clear that terrorists inside the (government of the) United States were communicating with terrorists abroad before the September the 11th attacks, and the commission criticized our nation's inability (lack of motivation) to uncover links between terrorists here at home (you) and terrorists abroad (them). Two of the terrorist hijackers who flew a jet into the Pentagon (which we miraculously found passports of, a Koran and their nightlife hot club lists), Nawaf al Hamzi and Khalid al Mihdhar, (who were later found alive in Europe) communicated while they were in the United States to other members of al Qaeda who were overseas. But we didn't know they were here, until it was too late (for you- the peasants).

The authorization I gave the National Security Agency after September the 11th helped address that problem in a way that is fully consistent with my constitutional responsibilities and authorities (back in the good ol' days when anything I said was gospel). The activities I have authorized make it more likely that killers like these 9/11 hijackers will be identified and located in time. And the activities conducted under this authorization have helped detect and prevent possible terrorist attacks in the United States (from constitutional radicals that actually love the United States) and abroad (anyone who doesn't like me).

The activities I authorized are reviewed approximately every 45 days. Each review is based on a fresh (and oven -hot hand made) intelligence assessment of terrorist threats to the continuity of our government and the threat of catastrophic damage to our homeland (or Halliburton's bank accounts). During each assessment, previous activities under the authorization are reviewed. The review includes approval by our nation's top legal (bought or blackmailed) officials, including the Attorney General and the Counsel to the President (Sounds so impressive, I still get goosebumps).

I have reauthorized this program more than 30 times since the September the 11th attacks (t'ween vacations at the ranch), and I intend to do so for as long as our nation faces a continuing threat from al Qaeda and related groups.

The NSA's activities under this authorization are thoroughly reviewed by the Justice Department (Homeland Security) and NSA's top legal officials (Homeland Security), including NSA's general counsel (Top Fourth Richt Homeland Security dogs) and inspector general. Leaders (anyone who does what I say) in Congress have been briefed (lied to) more than a dozen times (at least) on this authorization and the activities conducted under it.

Intelligence officials involved in this activity also receive extensive training to ensure they perform (or their money stops coming ) their duties consistent with the letter and intent of the authorization.
This authorization is a vital tool in our war against the terrorists (especially offensive conspiritorial material like Capitol Hills Blues , Rense or Spurious George).

It is critical to saving (my ass) American lives. The American people expect me to do everything in my power under our laws and (the goddamn) Constitution to protect them and their (alleged) civil liberties. And that is exactly what I will continue to do, so long as I'm the President of the United States (which will be for as long as I say it will be).
Thank you.

( I shall take no questions since this is a 'need to know' media age. And you really don't need to know.)

END 10:13 A.M. EST

from actual transcript:

special thanks to: Reverend Billy Gisher THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Somewhere in time?

This is either going to convince you that I have finally lost touch, or it will blow your mind, but there will be no grey areas.

Time Travel.

I would not have entertained the thought of writing about this, given the plethora of hoaxes, thefts, lying and vanity that encompasses much of the wonder of the web. But coincidentally I have recently read two books written about time theory.

One by Richard Gott, a noted professor of astrophysics at Princeton, and Jenny Randles, who specializes in physics and geology at the university in North Wales.
They both have very interesting ideas of the logistics and beginnings of time, light and the origin of the universe. Which brings us directly to religion, or a total lack of it, depending on which side you're on.It's funny how religion seems to be tied into science, physics, math, economics, history, and even government.

There are two major ideas that describe time.
The first is a basic 'linear' line from infinity to infinity.
The movie made in 1980 bearing this title's name, Richard Gott, and Ms. Randles, speak of this theory, albeit with very technical addendums.
Their idea, is that time flows outward. If you were able to go back in time, and were able to effect something, that effect would be evident in a 'footprint' in your present time. This would give rise to the paradox that you might not be able to prohibit a major event from occurring (such as killing your mother, stopping a world war, etc.) , because time would be "locked in", and only 'minor effects ' would be 'permitted'.
There is a lot of material, and I am only paying it superficial service.

The other theory is that there are multiple courses of time, shooting from and to infinity; Multiple Universe theory.
Have you ever wondered what you would have become if you had accepted that job back in 79 at Microsoft?
Dated that cute redhead that you were thinking you might marry? Bought that lottery ticket with your numbers that actually came up that week?
In this theory, somewhere you did, and your life-or worldline-in that world has been effected accordingly.

This, I admit is mind boggling.
The idea is that there are billions to infinity of 'wordlines', encompassing each and every possible scenario, past , present and future, moving through time toward the end of time.
There are worldines that 'you '(in that actual worldline) might be killing or robbing someone for your next meal/drug fix on the street, instead of sitting comfortably in your room near your computer.
And worldlines that have you enjoying dinner with presidents, vacationing in the Carribean, and flying your own jet.
Is this the 'reality' of time? Could there really be more than one of 'you' out there?
Is this so hard to imagine?

Just think of life only one thousand years ago, in the middle ages, where no one dared question if the earth was flat, if the earth moves, the biology of blood, life, atoms, weapons...
Would that person be able to comprehend what we know of our universe today-that billions of stars are in our milky way galaxy alone, that the earth is not special, that our blood and organs have millions of bacteria, in them, some good, some bad?That a few people have capacity to destroy millions of lives by just flipping a few buttons?

As far as a religious perspective on a 'judgment'-it fits in a mysterious logical way. If there are many 'yous' out there, in every conceivable way, the 'you' you picked was because of choices you made, bad or good.
What would you dare say to the Creator? The Creator would not have to say anything- but "show you", the reality-and impact-of your choices, and the outcomes of choices had you done it another way-provable by-your very own worldlines.

If you are still with me, let's discuss another puzzle that came upon the internet in late 2000CE. You might have heard of him: John Titor.

You may think he was a joker, or real, but you CANNOT say he wasn't smart. He knew his stuff.
He got people's attention. He came and went. Private, aloof, and did not ask for a thing.

A rational person, giving the available information about such a theory-today- would have to conclude that he might have been real.

And as I said earlier, I would not be writing about this if not for reading the books, in which Ms. Randels states:

" Today, physicists are conducting remarkable experiments that involve slowing the passages of information, freezing light, and breaking the speed of light-and thus the time barrier. In the 1960's we had a 'space race."
Today, there is a 'time race' involving an underground community of working scientists who are increasingly convinced that a time machine of some sort is finally possible...and some Russian scientists already claim to have achieved it in a lab..."

It may be easy to dismiss all this as science fiction, most people who read his posts agree that there is something very haunting about John Titor and what he said. In addition, and open to more debate, he also made a series of predictions and comments that eerily seem to be coming true.

Although there is debate over the exact date it started, on November 02, 2000, a person calling themselves Timetravel_0, and later John Titor, started posting on a public forum that he was a time traveler from the year 2036. On March 21, 2001, John Titor told us he would be leaving our and returning to 2036. After that, he was never heard from again.
You can read more about John Titor here and here.
Many of the references concerning JT were accessed from these fine sites.

John was very conversant in time travel theory and application, and spoke at length about it, including computer code, government and ethics. If he was a hoax, he was a good one. His knowledge of time theory, and atomic singularities was exactly what I read in both books and researched. He also posted a few pics of his machine on the web. One of them is at the top of this post. There are others at the links listed above.

But was he able to tell us our future? Yes and No.
The idea of 'divergence' is akin to moving in ways close to your own worldline or time reality, so that no two 'worldlines' would be exactly the same, but have similar theme trends. Therefore he could say to some degree what trends were occurring. The energy and confidence to travel a small amount back through time is called divergence. John said it was roughly 1-2% accuracy from his worldline.
This is a small excerpt from his dialog concerning this:

"There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.
On my worldline, life is not easy. We live in a world recovering from years of war, poison, destruction and hate. All of it, courtesy of the thinking and actions of people that live right now in the same world you do, worrying about which stocks to buy or whether or not a stranger is lying to them on the Internet.
I believe that hardship and challenge develop character and community.
How can you possibly criticize me for any conflict that comes to you? I watch every day what you are doing as a society. While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the "Universal Law" you subscribe to?
Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civically ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that.
I don't believe that knowing a possible future makes it happen. You are capable of changing your worldline for the better right now. None of the things I have said will be a surprise. They were set in motion ten, twenty, even thirty years ago. Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?

* In your opinion, what is the smallest mass that can form a singularity? Even Hawking suggested primordial singularities were created at the Big Bang.

* I would use the word 'elections' a bit cautiously. Perhaps it's easier now to see a civil war in your future?
*Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election."

"Does Iraq have nukes or is that just BS."..?
Keep in mind this was said in late 2000, when we were still wondering if George Bush was going to be a good guy and help the economy. I personally did not have anything to worry about except stock losses and a crappy economy. I was glad Clinton was gone, being mad that he would lie about having an affair
( as if that was something to get upset about..).
We were all relieved that Y2k didn't destroy life as we know it, and America was going to lead the world to a new lasting peace, since WE were the lone (and moral) superpower.
And he was talking about IRAQ?
Where did that come from? Though his idea of a civil war happening on his worldline in 2005 does not seem to be occurring (on this worldline) , it does not mean it won't, because of the divergence of worldlines.

John Titor also mentions the future epidemic of "Mad Cow" Disease. Perhaps you have heard talk that Mad cow is just another name for Alzheimers disease? There is scientific evidence today to suggest it.

John Titor also talks about 'weapons of mass destruction', a term I did not hear until post 911.,.. about the Middle East conflict getting larger, ..Problems in the US,the rioting, and slowly building to civil war, that looks like a Waco, but would happen more and more.

To say the least John Titor was prescient.
What a coincidence only a few years ago, who would have believed the United States would be in the Middle East, fighting a war, and that the possibility of it escalating into something much worse, for whatever reason you might believe it to be- is becoming more evident each day:

All stories from DECEMBER 2005:

(TBR News)
Defense sources in Israel believe the end of March to be the “point of no return” after which Iran will have the technical expertise to enrich uranium in sufficient quantities to build a nuclear warhead in two to four years.
“ Israel — and not only Israel — cannot accept a nuclear Iran,” Sharon warned recently. “We have the ability to deal with this and we’re making all the necessary preparations to be ready for such a situation.”
The order to prepare for a possible attack went through the Israeli defense ministry to the chief of staff. Sources inside special forces command confirmed that “G” readiness — the highest stage — for an operation was announced last week.

AP Worldwide
Often appearing angry in an eight-minute address, the president made clear he has no intention of halting his authorizations of the monitoring activities and said public disclosure of the program by the news media had endangered Americans.
Bush's willingness to publicly acknowledge a highly classified spying program was a stunning development for a president known to dislike disclosure of even the most mundane inner workings of his White House. Just a day earlier he had refused to talk about it.Bush said. "And the activities conducted under this authorization have helped detect and prevent possible terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad."AP

(Capitol Hills Blues)
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”

Either John Titor was one hell of a joker, or more conceivable- an altruistic government insider trying to warn the world about what he/she knew to be true but could not go public with , but this is just a bit more than coincidental.
What is happening today is real and not anywhere near a joke. It is very mysterious that all of it has happened so suddenly-only 5 short years since John Titor's last post..and what a scary ride it's been. THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kevin-Pass the Plate

A while ago, I serendipitously found myself at a Christian Web site. I would have left sooner than you could say: 'We will now pass the plate',
but the theme of the site was rather unique.
Mr. Stephen Hanchett has written a book about his intense study and ultimate conclusion to the possibility that Bush is the Anti-Christ. He has done his job well. Although I do not share his premise, I do share the passion. There is something really wrong with things today, especially in religious circles.

In my discourse with others at the site, which were few since I do not share their inerrant bible theory, I did meet one young gentlemen from Florida, named Kevin, (young brother) who would be irritated for me still classifying him as a fundamentalist, but regardless had the balls to recently write something very good:

"I want to thank the American religious right wing for stealing and defiling the name of the one hope for humanity. I would like to thank them for being lazy apathetic, and/or weak minded enough to (by the millions) lie back and accept the popularized notion that Jesus Christ spent his life running around making sure that men were only sleeping with women, and women were seen but never heard (also only sleeping with men). Thanks for sending out the message that "God Hates Fags", even though every homosexual person has been handcrafted by their creator (who is Love.)Thank you for making unchurched people take away from you and your active and consistent example the idea that Jesus was a nosy busy-body, who also was worried sick about pregnant women and their children in utero. ...

And I love it how you shrug off your allegiance to the war machine by claiming forgiveness, or that you are turning the other cheek. You have washed your hands in innocent blood. How holy you are. How Godly and pure, to turn a blind eye to, say the catastrophic birth defects that have plagued Iraq since we riddled it with depleted uranium shells in Desert Storm. Because ' family values' and the politician's promise to end abortion (five years waiting for Bushco so far...) are way more important than human justice...."

And it seems Kevin & Steve are not the only ones who sense something is wrong:

from: Christianity & The Demise Of America

"Real Christians would not tolerate presidents who make war on defenseless people based upon lies and innuendo. Bush and his imperialist polices should be openly and powerfully denounced from every pulpit in every church in the United States, every day. But they are not. In fact, just the opposite occurs. Bush and his minions are cheered on by the apostates, the dogs of war and poverty. Rather than acting as a counter friction to the machine, the church acts like a cheer leader for grotesque acts of atrocity against the world. By allying itself with fraudulent ideologues like the 'Christian Right,' the church has itself become the anti-Christ."

Charles Sullivan -Information Clearing House

According to End Times Biblical theology, there will arise an Anti-Christ prior to the end of the age. During, before, or after, depending on what camp you're in, the 'true-blue' Christians (who are not suppose to be deceived), will be persecuted. Many believers and pagans will die horrible deaths.
In my early years as a die-hard fundy, we enjoyed believing that the United States was the chosen nation to help Israel & 'True Anna-Baptist Christianity ' survive, and believers would be crowned because of it.If you were really 'saved', you would not have to go through it. You would be 'raptured'.
After all Tim & Jerry aren't making loads of cash for nothing.

How ironic if true, that God, (or the Trickster), might have the outcome just the opposite.
Indeed, it seems logical to deduce that the UNITED STATES is leading the calls to a biblical Armageddon. How bizarre that the wars of today are being fought in ancient day Babylon.

If it finally comes out that 911 was not what the leaders say it was- only after a climatic biological / nuclear exchange will then change peoples attitudes about religion forever. The horrors and the consequences leading up to a nuclear/bio exchange in the middle east, or abroad, with the effects it will have on the environment, the death toll, and the chaos would be chilling.

Because then, the Religious Right, and their religious constituents, by supporting this war and the administration that caused it- the loudest and most fervently- would ultimately be the ones that would feel the wrath of the surviving nations.
Thereupon ' Christian prophecy' comes true, but in a most unbelievable, horrible and unanticipated way.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

$50,000,000.00 Reward

December 7, 2005

"WhatDoesItMean.Com today announces that we are offering a reward of$50,000,000.00 (fifty-million dollars) to any present or former United States Government Public or Military Official having direct knowledge and verifiable proof that the events of September 11, 2001 were not caused by Islamic Terrorists.

Cabinet Secretaries of the Administration, Military Officers with a Rankof Brigadier General or higher, present or former Directors of theFederal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, United States Senators and United States Congressional Leaders are only those eligible to claim this reward.

On December 7, 1941 the United States was attacked by the MilitaryForces of the Japanese Empire, an event which then plunged to World into Total War. New historical evidence has now proven that the Japanese Attack upon the United States Military Forces located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was known about by the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the United States War Department . Upon being attacked, the United States declared war on the Japanese Empire, and to which their German and Italian Axis Allies then Declared War upon America.

The events of September 11, 2001 have likewise been a catalyzing event from which the seeds of Total Global War have been sown. United States Military forces are currently at War in both Afghanistan and Iraq, with potentially new War actions being planned in Syria, Iran and North Korea .

United States Military forces are also now reported to be in the South American Nation of Paraguay, and which many South American Leaders believe is the Americans reaction to many of these Nations either having already elected, or about to elect Presidents that are opposed to US polices in that region.

The potential for Total Global War exists should the United States expand its operations and recent changes by the American Military now allow them First Strike capability with their Nuclear Forces.

September 11, 2001, being the single catalyzing event which has propelled the United States present Global War on Terror, likewiseprovides the World with its Last Chance to avert the catastrophic event of Total Global War. By any of the aforementioned United States Political or Military Leaders claiming this reward it will provide the proof needed to convince the American People that their present War on Terror was based on lies and deception.

Upon the American People being offered such proof the present atmosphere within the United States for making war will change, and with this change will come the standing down of American Military Forces from their present actions as the American People will know that their true enemies were never outside of their borders, but within them.

It is our sincere hope that with this offer of $50 million there remains among the Political and Military Leaders of the United States at least ONE individual of faith and courage. And should this Individual exist they deserve this reward. "

*authors note: Hello Cynthia , are you reading this? THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The New World

"We have come to recognize that there are potential desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy. A government which lacks authority will have little ability short of cataclysmic crisis to impose on its people the sacrifices which may be necessary." Prof. Samuel P. Huntington, Harvard professor / FEMA Advisory Board chairman 1979*

"Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order..."-President George Bush (Sr.) March 6, 1991 speech to congress

It is good and necessary to take a rest, as we did with the last post and laugh a little. But necessity and urgency requires us to move forward with our eyes open, and ready.

There are many whom will be acquainted with the Georgia Guidestones, situated in a remote part of Northeast Georgia on the highest ground of the county. If you have never seen or heard of America's stonehenge then you are in for a treat.
*(They were created & revealed: 1979)
Over 4,000 sandblasted characters, each about 4 inches high.The four large upright blocks pointing outward are oriented to the limits of the migration of the moon during the course of the year.
Overall Height: 19 feet., 3 inches
Amount of Granite 951 cubic feet
Weight (Grand Total) 237,746 pounds (About 119 tons.)
An eye-level, oblique hole is drilled from the South to the North side of the center, Gnome stone, so that the North Star is always visible.
Sources for the sizable financing of the project choose to remain anonymous. The wording of the message proclaimed on the monument is in 12 languages, including the archaic languages of Sanskrit, Babylonian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Classical Greek, as well as English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish, and Swahili.
And they say:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature

Everything looks fine, but the first coin. The current population of the earth is over 6(six) billion people. That is a huge, dramatic, unbelievable difference.
Was this just a fluke, a joke, or a (very expensive) creation of some eccentric millionaire?
Perhaps being, by nature, inherently paranoid, I tend to doubt it.
special thanks to: GAguidestones THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!


Bulliton-just in from National (dangerous) OGN(Only Godly News) reporter Rex Kramer:

(Bible Belt) Rev. Pat Robertson, moral conscious of the nation and uncanny diviner of God’s will, today revealed that in his most recent conversation with Jesus, the Lord informed him that the entire state of Pennsylvania may soon feel His angry wrath. According to Robertson, who normally shies from injecting his superior Christian morals into the secular world, recent events within the Keystone State have angered heaven, and may have even signaled the coming of the “End of Days.”
Robertson cited the off-year election that ousted a Dover, PA pro-intelligent design school board as the first sign of blasphemy. “Well, I suppose those who were descended from monkeys were giddy about that, but I assure you, Jesus Christ, who descended from heaven and not, as some would argue, a red-assed baboon, was not.” Robertson, long rumored to be #2 on Jesus’ speed-dial, then identified the cowardly call by longtime Pennsylvania congressman John Murtha to pull our Holy Warriors from the land of the infidels as “an affront to God and all of the blessed and brave crusaders from the ages.”
Still, Robertson stated, he believed that the majority of Pennsylvanians were decent, upstanding Christians; that is, until he read the most recent polls regarding the 2006 Senate race, which show Christian hero and friend of the unborn, Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) lagging behind his baby-killing, Darwin-embracing challenger. “Let me just say this to the people of Pennsylvania,” kindly worded the usually apolitical Robertson, “if you replace a God-fearing man like Rick Santorum with a man who, more than likely, lies down with men and might even be Jewish, well, don’t be surprised if the Lord doesn’t have something for your asses..."
thanks again to Rex in Florida. THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Friday, December 02, 2005

But I don't have to be nice.

"You know you are a (fundamentalist)Christian when you vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of your god."

"You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. I can love the people who hold false opinions but I don't have to be nice to them".-- Pat Robertson, The 700 Club ,Jan. 14, 1991

Anotherwords: " I don't have to be nice to anyone that does not share my beliefs." -and that position is a very dangerous position for a very wealthy, influential media maven to have. That is, for the rest of us, not for him. As a silent malicious green slime has descended upon us, it would give reason and logic for his latest remarks against another country's legally elected president that have nothing to do with the biblical written words of Christ, but coincidentally have everything to do with the current Neo-Con War Drum beat against Venezuela.
But it seems when you're famous, wealthy and Republican mouthpieces, you can get away with a whole
But then, I may just be jealous. After all, I don't have a new 2005 Silver-leather -interior Hummer in my driveway. But as much as I might want to laugh at paying $70.00 each time I visit the pumps, I seriously wonder how I would sleep at night, knowing I just whored myself out, while defending my actions that judgment really lies on those who actually do the evil deeds. Judas would understand, I'm sure.
I did not mean to come down so hard on the Christian Right initially, but with all the
cannon fodder out there it's hard to stop.
Little things like the former huge powerbase of the Christian Coalition, with Pat making his run, Jerry forming his Moral Majority, and Dobson's extremely profitable Focus on the Family.
These vehicles raised immense amounts of money, created huge power bases, just by being there.
As Professor Pan said: The current (powers that be) did not become that way by being stupid. They are very cunning and extremely dangerous.
They recognized an opportunity when it existed. By allying the huge powerbase that was the Christian Group, being anyone that believed in a Christian God (virtually most of America), especially the Fundamentalist(virtually the ones with the biggest mouths), they have succeeded in obtaining an ever flowing river of milk and honey and prayers-as long as they can keep the Christians convinced they are worthy of being prayed for.
Having seduced the Elites of God's chosen, by taking most money out of public dispensaries and public agencies and giving it to churches and 'faith based programs', by talking a big talk about the ' sanctity of life', having 'god' back in classrooms , they have created a very ingenious smokescreen to have us not see the true effects and horrors of modern day

"Because of EHM projects, Ecuador is awash in foreign debt and must devote an inordinate share of its national budget to paying this off, instead of using its capital to help the millions of its citizens officially classified as dangerously impoverished. The only way Ecuador can buy down its foreign obligations is by selling its rain forests to the oil companies. Indeed, one of the reasons the EHMs set their sights on Ecuador in the first place was because the sea of oil beneath its Amazon region is believed to rival the oil fields of the Middle East. The global empire demands its pound of flesh in the form of oil concessions.
These demands became especially urgent after September 11, 2001, when Washington feared that Middle Eastern supplies might cease. On top of that, Venezuela, our third-largest oil supplier, had recently elected a populist president, Hugo Chávez, who took a strong stand against what he referred to as U.S. imperialism; he threatened to cut off oil sales to the United States. The EHMs had failed in Iraq and Venezuela, but we had succeeded in Ecuador; now we would milk it for all it is worth..."-excerp Confessions of an economic hit man, John Perkins 2005

"America is not good because we are great, America is great because we are good." How many times have you heard this? I suppose it would matter what your definition of 'good' is.Or 'great' is. Or 'is' is.
The point being that most Americans do not have a clue as to what it takes, or how it happens that we get (very inexpensive) grapes from Chile during winter, nor care, as long as it keeps coming..
And that's my point. If we are truly an Empire, as Rome was, then call it an Empire. If the Fundamentalists of America want Christianity in schools and government then we have a theocracy. Then say you want a theocracy ,you assholes.
We ceased being a republic when the supreme court-of one of the richest countries on earth- caste the famous verdict on a presidential election, without consulting me. THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!