Sunday, January 29, 2006


Money; it's an interesting thing.
People work for it, fight for it, and have died for it.
Nations are no different.
The reality that our money is not really based on anything since the gold reserve was dropped is very relevant to today's news.
But don't count on FOX or CNN keeping you abreast of what's really going on:

Kathleen Collen:
"Forty years have passed since the majority of Americans adopted television as their principal source of information. Its dominance has become so extensive that virtually all significant political communication now takes place within the confines of flickering 30-second television advertisements. And the political economy supported by these short but expensive television ads is as different from the vibrant politics of America's first century as those politics were different from the feudalism which thrived on the ignorance of the masses of people in the Dark Ages.”

Having said that, there are dark aspects of what is going on in IRAN, that occurred in IRAQ before we went in to kick Saddam's butt out. Little is known or publicized about the fact that Saddam's ultimate blasphemy was based on his refusal to accept US Dollars for oil. And now IRAN is going to do the same.

Mike Whitney January 23, 2006

"The Bush administration will never allow the Iranian government to open an oil exchange (bourse) that trades petroleum in euros. If that were to happen, hundreds of billions of dollars would come flooding back to the United States crushing the greenback and destroying the economy. This is why Bush and Co. are planning to lead the nation to war against Iran. It is straightforward defense of the current global system and the continuing dominance of the reserve currency, the dollar. America monopolizes the oil trade. Oil is denominated in dollars and sold on either the NYMEX or London’s International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), both owned by Americans. This forces the central banks around the world to maintain huge stockpiles of dollars even though the greenback is currently underwritten by $8 trillion of debt and even though the Bush administration has said that it will perpetuate the deficit-producing tax cuts. America’s currency monopoly is the perfect pyramid-scheme. As long as nations are forced to buy oil in dollars, the United States can continue its profligate spending with impunity."

Hegemony is the dominance of one group over other groups, with or without the threat of force, to the extent that, for instance, the dominate party can dictate the terms of trade to its advantage; more broadly, cultural perspectives become skewed to favor the dominant group. Hegemony controls the ways that ideas become "naturalized" in a process that informs notions of common sense.

If you apply that to currency, you begin to get the seriousness of our times. This is a brief simplistic history hegemony lesson:

In the 1950's the US government set up agreements with the House of Saud, the Shaw of Iran, and others for trading oil in US Dollars exclusively for protection. This means that any other country must keep in their (government) reserves-US Dollars- if they want to purchase oil. That is called Dollar Hegemony.

If Iran succeeds in going through with a non-dollar oil bourse, it could be worse than a nuclear attack.

Inflation, if they print more money, and/ or deflation which would strip jobs out of an already 'cut & run' off-shore- for- better -wages-corporate nation.

Already some cracks in the empire are beginning to appear:

January 26, 2006 Chicago Sun Times:
"Eighteen months after the Chicago City Council torpedoed a South Side Wal-Mart, 24,500 Chicagoans applied for 325 jobs at a Wal-Mart opening Friday in south suburban Evergreen Park, one block outside the city limits.
The new Wal-Mart at 2500 W. 95th is one block west of Western Avenue, the city boundary.
Of 25,000 job applicants, all but 500 listed Chicago addresses, said John Bisio, regional manager of public affairs for Wal-Mart.
"In our typical hiring process, you're pretty successful if you have 3,000 applicants," he said. "They were really crowing about 11,000 in Oakland, Calif., last year. So to get 25,000-plus applications and counting, I think is astonishing."-
from Qrswave

Now, with March quickly approaching, and the drum beats getting louder, things are beginning to form that brings chills:

"Iran says it will launch medium-range missiles if attacked, and accused Britain and the United States of arming rebels in its south, as international pressure on Tehran over its nuclear plans grow.
"If we come under a military attack, we will respond with our very effective missile defence," Yahya Rahim Safavi, commander in chief of the Revolutionary Guard, told state television."

and others: – January 29, 2006

'Teheran is getting ready to counter a “preemptive strike” by USA and Israel. The Air Force Command of the Revolutionary Guard has ordered its Shahap-3 Missile Units to keep their mobile missile ramps in motion in preparation for such an attack. Responding to this order, in darkness of the night the primary missile ramps have been moved to Kirmanshah and Hamedan, and the reserve ramps to Isfahan and Fars regions.'

Not even ramping up to the Shahap-3 are the Sunburns:

"Many years ago, Soviet planners gave up trying to match the US Navy ship for ship, gun for gun, and dollar for dollar. The Soviets simply could not compete with the high levels of US spending required to build up and maintain a huge naval armada. They shrewdly adopted an alternative approach based on strategic defense. They searched for weaknesses, and sought relatively inexpensive ways to exploit those weaknesses. The Soviets succeeded: by developing several supersonic anti-ship missiles, one of which, the SS-N-22 Sunburn, has been called "the most lethal missile in the world today." The Sunburn can deliver a 200-kiloton nuclear payload, or: a 750-pound conventional warhead, within a range of 100 miles, more than twice the range of the Exocet. The Sunburn combines a Mach 2.1 speed (two times the speed of sound) with a flight pattern that hugs the deck and includes "violent end maneuvers" to elude enemy defenses. The missile was specifically designed to defeat the US Aegis radar defense system."

In all, this tells of cataclysmic damage, even if it were successful. In the light of President Bush's bad poll numbers, there might give pause for concern that such a blatant invasion would hurt him further, unless there was another 911.

Sources inside the Houston Police Department (HPD) have confirmed officers in recent weeks have been taking part in nuclear disaster drills, adding more fuel to the fire that the city is being targeted by the "enemies within" the Bush administration for a nuclear attack.

"In the last week I have multi-checked with sources of mine in the Houston Police Department and confirmed that HPD has been running nuclear disaster drills," said former Army Intel Capt. Eric May, who is trying to alert Americans of a possible nuclear strike in the upcoming days, possibly to take place in the Texas City or Houston metro area...."

President Bush will be giving his 'State of the Union' Address next week, which should be very ,very interesting.

Take care out there. THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

There has been plenty of fervor around lately on the possibility that we might soon invade Iran or/and Syria.
It seems that Osama's alleged tape asking for a 'truce-or else' could not have been better timed. Incidentally, the tape was reported to have been sent to Al Jazeera, but almost no one seems to have remembered that FOX Inc. bought Al Jazeera out in 2002.
Must be a coincidence.

Another coincidence is the recent come to light story that stories in Iraq News papers and radio, are paid for being pro-US. There is talk that this has gone on for quite a while in the US,-even on blog spots- although it's hard to believe that someone could actually take money for proclaiming the merits of War & Aggression.
But, hey, someone has to pay the bills.

And speaking of blogs, here's one that I recently had time to visit and comment on. Their comments were about their glee in that hundreds of Islamic pilgrims dying during the Jin. I knew they would not be nice, but I didn't know how vehement they would be. They ripped me a new one.
It is evident that they are serious and (many are) Christian followers of what they perceive to be real evil: Islamic terrorists.
I would feel exactly the same way they do, if I believed that 911 was caused by (only) Islamic terrorists.

The idea that this war is beginning to look like an all out religious war is becoming more evident each day.
Put on a religious fever, and logic and reason go right out the window. Suggests things like what does Christ have to do with blowing the crap out of innocent children, and they will tear you a new hole in your body as
they're reading scripture.
This particular site is interesting as it is structured militarily. Even the title is shock and awe:

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler @


I admit I had to look the up the verse they have on their main page-and here it is:
{"He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad."}
Umm, where did I hear that quoted before?

Rex Kramer, the next major player in political satirist-pro-Americana, suggested I review this article in
online journal, which fits nicely:

The Ku Klux Klan called itself “the invisible empire.” Reagan called the Soviet Union “the evil empire.” In America today the highly visible Evil Empire is the phalanx called “the evangelical Christian Right.”

Woow. Heavvvy.
But remember what Falwell and Pat said a few years back concerning 911?

"Then Falwell said, "What we saw on Tuesday, as terrible as it is, could be miniscule if, in fact, God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve."Robertson replied, "Well, Jerry, that's my feeling. I think we've just seen the antechamber to terror, we haven't begun to see what they can do to the major population."Falwell said, "The ACLU has got to take a lot of blame for this. And I know I'll hear from them for this, but throwing God...successfully with the help of the federal court system...throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools, the abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked and when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad...I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who try to secularize America...I point the thing in their face and say you helped this happen."Robertson said, "I totally concur, and the problem is we've adopted that agenda at the highest levels of our government, and so we're responsible as a free society for what the top people do, and the top people, of course, is the court system."Falwell added, "Pat, did you notice yesterday that the ACLU and all the Christ-haters, the People for the American Way, NOW, etc., were totally disregarded by the Democrats and the Republicans in both houses of Congress, as they went out on the steps and and called out to God in prayer and sang 'God bless America' and said, let the ACLU be hanged. In other words, when the nation is on its knees, the only normal and natural and spiritual thing to do is what we ought to be doing all the time, calling on God."

Recently Pat Robertson has been busy trying to get foreign leaders killed, cursing (in God's name), irevrent sections of America, and lately saying God brought judgment on Sharon for Gaza peace.

He later (kinda) apologized:

"According to his spokesperson, Angell Watts:

(VIRGINIA BEACH, VA.,) January 5, 2006—
Pat Robertson expresses his deep sadness over Ariel Sharon’s life threatening stroke and concern for Israel’s future security.
She also expressed Dr. Robertson’s outrage at People for the American Way, who have a clear left-wing political agenda and who, on an ongoing basis, lift his comments out of context and widely circulate them in an attempt to discredit him.

Really? Seems like if anyone mere mortal like I suggested blowing up a government building in DC, we would be on a plane bound for a Guanbay vacation before nightfall.

The federal Government has been pretty nice to Pat Robertson. Grants to his 'operation blessing' charity, under the bush faith based initiative, blessed Pat & Company with revenue blasting out from a paltry 108k to 14.4 million.
Bush has directed over 2 billion $ to religious groups nationwide in 2004. Funny how many home school church groups are forming these days.
14.1 Million? Christ, I'm beginning to see the merits of appreciating Hannity and Coulter.

It would almost seem as if this was planned.

Shadia Drury, who teaches politics at the University of Calgary:
" Strauss had a "huge contempt" for secular democracy. Nazism, he believed, was a nihilistic reaction to the irreligious and liberal nature of the Weimar Republic. Among other neoconservatives, Irving Kristol has long argued for a much greater role for religion in the public sphere, even suggesting that the Founding Fathers of the American Republic made a major mistake by insisting on the separation of church and state. And why? Because Strauss viewed religion as absolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses who otherwise would be out of control.
At the same time, he stressed that religion was for the masses alone; the rulers need not be bound by it. Indeed, it would be absurd if they were, since the truths proclaimed by religion were "a pious fraud." As Ronald Bailey, science correspondent for Reason magazine points out, "Neoconservatives are pro-religion even though they themselves may not be believers."
"Secular society in their view is the worst possible thing,'' Drury says, because it leads to individualism, liberalism, and relativism, precisely those traits that may promote dissent that in turn could dangerously weaken society's ability to cope with external threats. Bailey argues that it is this firm belief in the political utility of religion as an "opiate of the masses ..."

And if it was planned, if Bush really did try to invent reasons to invade Iraq, what other things might have been invented? It kind of begs the question about how we got into this mess to begin with.
How many times does President Bush and Company mention 911 as a shimmering backdrop for rationalization for war, torture, wiretaps?
Having an attitude such as this can get some people's attention. Posting things like this can be hazardous to one's health.
Kurt Nimmo from Another Day in the Empire had decided to stop posting because of threats.
Jeff Wells from RI has said he has possibly been watched/logged.
Alex Jones has said much the same , as others have too.
Though I admire those who stick their necks out publicly,
I have to wonder why they are surprised?
If half of the things these writers say are true, then they have to know that this is no game.
It hasn't been for a while, and the halftime show was a good time ago. THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Alaska Volcano Observatory says Mount Augustine Volcano has erupted(large pic). It is about 180 miles southwest of Anchorage.

Mount Belinda on Montagu Island in the South Sandwich Islands has also been erupting, reports the South Georgia government. (small pic)

So now we have volcanoes errupting near both poles-at the same time. Strange?

How about this?
The boom of thunder and crackle of lightning generally mean one thing: a storm is coming. Curiously, though, the biggest storms of all, hurricanes, are notoriously lacking in lightning. Hurricanes blow, they rain, they flood, but seldom do they crackle.
Surprise: During the record-setting hurricane season of 2005 three of the most powerful storms--Rita, Katrina, and Emily--did have lightning, lots of it. And researchers would like to know why.

And speaking about Katrina, there seems to be a bit more mysteries abounding than just why the levies broke after the storm had past.

From Jeff Well's RI:

"A seeming grid-pattern of five heat signatures appear out of nothing to the west of Hurricane Rita, intensify and hold their positions, and then fade to nothing. "

(High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)

H.A.A.R.P. is a huge array of electronic weaved devices on acres of Alaskan soil. They have a wonderful benign website you may enjoy touring, as I'm sure there is nothing to hide. Any other interpretations you may deduce from this and other posts concerning HAARP may be the result of your own inner deficiencies, are wholly unmerited and may bring comfort to the enemy.
To be sure they freely state:

"HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.
The HAARP program is committed to developing a world class ionospheric research facility consisting of:
The ionospheric research instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the HF frequency range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.
A sophisticated suite of Scientific (or "diagnostic") instruments that will be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region. "

H.A.A.R.P.'s roots can be traced back to work of Nikola Tesla, a Yugoslavian scientist, whose achievements include the Tesla Coil or "magnifying transmitter" which is still used in televisions and radio today.

Funny how much Nikola Tesla's name keeps coming up these days. From Time travel theories to 'Free Electricity theory. And the fact that Edison's campaign to keep DC current protocol over his arch rival Tesla's AC current-that failed, is not overlooked. Our grid is based on AC (alternating current loads).

So what has this got to do with a hurricane? Plenty.

Michel Chossudovsky - Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa and TFF associate, author of The Globalization of Poverty, second edition, Common Courage Press says:

From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially, it constitutes an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilising agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions.
While there is no evidence that this deadly technology has been used, surely the United Nations should be addressing the issue of "environmental warfare" alongside the debate on the climatic impacts of greenhouse gases.
Despite a vast body of scientific knowledge, the issue of deliberate climatic manipulations for military use has never been explicitly part of the UN agenda on climate change. Neither the official delegations nor the environmental action groups participating in the Hague Conference on Climate Change (CO6) (November 2000) have raised the broad issue of "weather warfare" or "environmental modification techniques (ENMOD)" as relevant to an understanding of climate change."

And others are more direct:

"World renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirms that "US military scientists are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. The methods includethe enhancing of storms and the diverting of vapor rivers in the Earth's atmosphere to produce targeted droughts or floods."

Indeed it would seem that "they" have already begun to legalized the very thing they had denied to have any knowledge of for years:

To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.

1st Session
H. R. 2995

June 20, 2005
Mr. UDALL of Colorado introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science
To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005'.
It is the purpose of this Act to develop and implement a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modification policy and a national cooperative Federal and State program of weather modification research and development.

I do not mean to suggest that Katrina was for a fact 'created, enhanced or moved'.

But I would suggest the possibility.

There has got to be other alternatives to keeping an Empire afloat than outright pummeling a country with nuclear weapons.(which may have negative reciprocal effects.) It sure doesn't seem to be the strength of our country's currency.

If it is true that HAARP is a bit more than they say it is, it would give pause to big world governments that hold A LOT of US money, or OWE a LOT of US money (IMF) to keep playing the game.

Like China. Who holds Billions of Treasuries from selling us all those neat little things, that Americans don't want to bother to make (for 10 cents/hr wages).

Even if it means we won't let them buy just anything (like one of our oil companies), which of course, they recently tried to do.

Imagine selling tons of things to your friends in another city, and then after getting all their cash, they prohibited you from buying something -that was for sale- because they were worried you could use it only for yourself. No da. Global markets? Free Trade? Ummm. Seems like China should be screaming bloody murder. But they're not. In fact they recently have said they have no plans to sell US dollars.

Qrswave and JC had some interesting posts on this and other financial matters recently.

And this all goes back to the volcanoes we were initially talking about. What gives? Global warming? Strange winter hurricanes? Record breaking rains/winds/drought?

Is this planned or is it because we have been screwing with the atmosphere? Or a little of both? THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!

Thursday, January 05, 2006


This subject intrigues me no end, as there is a plethora of photographic and credible eye-witness reports that

*something else *

shares life with us on earth.

As if there is a rip in the highway of time or space that allows us to occasionally catch a glimpse or two of that something else.

It gives me chills, but it gives me hope, in that humanity it not all there is,
that our intelligence is not the apex of reality, or moral structure.

In that the *God* or (the Creator)
is infinite
and in His/Her creation
there may exist many, very strange things that to
us would appear as phenomena.

What camp you're in is important. Relative to your perception of what you see here and how you would interpret the 'evidence', your belief will determine your reality, but might not effect reality at all.

There are some that would say that all UFO/occult phenomena might be real, but ascribe it all to the realm of evil.

And some that would say that there are good and bad
things out there.

Others might say that the UFO's are here to help us.

Whatever your view, it would seem to me -that it is irrational to believe there is nothing going on at all.

There are just too many things,
too many 'lost government reports' of excellent photo's/convergence phenomena to ignore.

Unless you choose to.

Even that does not take away from what truth is out there to behold. It didn't matter that 95% of people a few thousand years ago still thought the earth flat. It remained round, and spinning around the sun. Which incidentally, did not effect the holy decree of the church that it could not.

I wish I could honestly say I have witnessed a UFO. But I have not.
I have personally witnessed some things very strange, but that is for another story.

I leave you with testimonials from individuals much more credible than I, and let you deduce what you will from them.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year.

Case 1:

(Picture of young girl after photo was developed- a phenomena that seems to occur frequently. I believe Photoshop was not widely available back in '64.)

Summary: "As an amateur photographer on a day-trip with my family, I took the photograph on Burgh Marsh on May 23, 1964. I took three pictures of my daughter Elizabeth in a similar pose - and was shocked when the middle picture came back from Kodak displaying what looks like a spaceman in the background."

Case 2:

(U.S. President Jimmy Carter)

Regardless of what the future President saw on that cold clear night in 1969, it greatly impressed him. He spoke of the sighting to many people including his Press Secretary Jody Powell. Asked about the UFO event Powell said, "I do remember Jimmy saying that he did, in fact, see a strange light or object at night in the sky which did not appear to be a star or planet or anything that he could explain. If that’s your definition of an Unidentified Flying Object, then I suppose that is correct...I would venture to say he has probably seen stranger and more unexplainable things than that just during his time in government." Many years after being President, when asked about the sighting by citizens, Carter would still describe in detail the events that he witnessed. On September 24, 1997, for example, Carter spoke at the 16th annual Emory town Hall Meeting in Atlanta. When the question and answer session began, the first question was about the UFO sighting that Carter had experienced 28 years before. As he had on so many previous occasions Carter described in detail what he had seen. In conclusion to the story he stated that "he knew of no extraterrestrials and he did "not think any were on the UFO he saw." Campaign UFO Talk At a Southern Governors Conference a few years after the sighting Carter stated " I don’t laugh at people anymore when they say they’ve seen UFOs. I’ve seen one myself. It was the darndest thing I have ever seen. It was big, it was bright, it changed colors and it was about the size of the moon." In 1975 Carter again mentioned the UFO as he was campaigning for President. He told a Washington Post reporter, " A light appeared and disappeared in the sky. It got brighter and brighter . . . I have no idea what it was . . . I think the light was beckoning me to run in the California primary." In June 1976, Jimmy Carter was quoted by the National Enquirer as promising, " If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one."

Case 3:

(Buzz Aldrin, Apollo Astronaut)

Below is my transcription of the 3.5 minute UFO segment: START: Narrator: But three days and 200,000 miles into the flight, Mission Control did miss the significance of a cryptic message from Apollo 11. Apollo 11: 'Do you have any idea where the S-IVB is with respect to us? Mission Control: 'Stand-by' Narrator: The Crew required information on the current position of the S-IVB, the final stage of the rocket which had been jettisoned away 2 days earlier. This short message hid an extraordinary turn of events: Apollo 11 wasn't alone in space. Buzz Aldrin: There was something out there that, uh, was close enough to be observed and what could it be? Narrator: Traveling along side of Apollo 11 was a mysterious object like this one (a ringed object at close range is shown), filmed on a later mission. If it wasn't part of their own rocket, it could only be one thing, a UFO. Aldrin: Mike (Collins) decided he thought he could see it in the telescope and he was able to do that and when it was in one position, that had a series of ellipses, but when you made it real sharp it was sort of L shaped. That didn't tell us very much. Dr. David Baker (Apollo 11 Senior Scientist): NASA knew very little about, um, the object reported by the Apollo 11 crew. It was obviously an unidentified flying object, but such objects were not uncommon and the history of even earth orbit space flights going back over the previous years indicated that several crews saw objects. Narrator: Despite having a clear view of the UFO, the crew were wary of reporting it to Mission Control. Aldrin: Now, obviously, the three of us were not going to blurt out, 'Hey Houston we got something moving along side of us and we don't know what it is, you know, can you tell us what it is?'. We weren't about to do that, cause we know that those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and who knows what somebody would have demanded that we turn back because of Aliens or whatever the reason is, so we didn't do that but we did decide we'd just cautiously ask Houston where, how far away was the S-IVB? Narrator: Unaware of the drama unfolding in space, Mission Control radioed the position back to Apollo 11. Mission Control: 'Apollo 11, Houston. The S-IVB is about 6,000 nautical miles from you now, over.' Aldrin: And a few moments later, why they came back and said something like it was 6,000 miles away because of the maneuver, so we really didn't think we were looking at something that far away, so we decided that after a while of watching it, it was time to go to sleep and not to talk about it anymore until we came back and (went through) debriefing. Narrator: To this day, whatever it was that the crew saw has never been positively identified or officially acknowledged. Dr. David Baker: There were a lot of people within the program who went off later and became convinced that UFOs existed and that lead to some concern on NASA's part where they got the agreement of the crew never to publicly talk about these things for fear of ridicule.

Case 4:

(Gordon Cooper , Astronaut)

In 1957, Cooper was one of an elite band of test pilots at Edwards Air Force Base in California, in charge of several advanced projects, including the installation of a precision landing system. "I had a camera crew filming the installation when they spotted a saucer. They filmed it as it flew overhead, then hovered, extended three legs as landing gear, and slowly came down to land on a dry lake bed! "These guys were all pro cameramen, so the picture quality was very good. "The camera crew managed to get within 20 or 30 yards of it, filming all the time. It was a classic saucer, shiny silver and smooth, about 30 feet across. It was pretty clear it was an alien craft. "As they approached closer it took off." When his camera crew handed over the film, Cooper followed standard procedure and contacted Washington to report the UFO ­ and "all heck broke loose," he said. "After a while a high-ranking officer said when the film was developed I was to put it in a pouch and send it to Washington. "He didn't say anything about me not looking at the film. That's what I did when it came back from the lab ­ and it was all there just like the camera crew reported." When the Air Force later started Operation Blue Book to collate UFO evidence and reports, Cooper says he mentioned the film evidence. "But the film was never found ­ supposedly. Blue Book was strictly a cover-up anyway." Cooper revealed he's convinced an alien craft crashed at Roswell, N. Mex., in 1947 and aliens were discovered in the wreckage. "I had a good friend at Roswell, a fellow officer. He had to be careful about what he said. But it sure wasn't a weather balloon, like the Air Force cover story. He made it clear to me what crashed was a craft of alien origin, and members of the crew were recovered." Why has the government kept its UFO secrets for so many years? "It started in World War 2, when the government didn't want people to know about UFO reports in case they panicked," said Cooper. "They would have been fearful it was superior enemy technology that we had no defense against. "Then it got worse in the Cold War for the same reason. "So they told one untruth, they had to tell another to cover that one, then another, then another . . . it just snowballed. "And right now I'm convinced a lot of very embarrassed government officials are sitting there in Washington trying to figure a way to bring the truth out. They know it's got to come out one day, and I'm sure it will. "America has a right to know!"

Case 5: (excellent camping bedtime story) Note: This is an exceptional account from RI. The ranchers had professional photo/ufo personel at site, and also witnessed this story. They authenticated this by using outside 'remote viewers' who were told nothing about what they had witnessed, but presented a very scary picture. (excerpt):

"....A family of ranchers named Bradshaw had a two-year brush with high weirdness near Sedona, Arizona in the early 90s, including encounters with glowing orbs, poltergiests, cattle mutilations and strange humanoids. They also claimed to witness a similar "structure" in the sky that appeared to serve as a gateway between different realities. (The Bradshaw's story is told in a book entitled Merging Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona.)...

{ A couple of hours later atop the bluff, at about 2:30 a.m., Jim's eye caught a faint, yellow light on a track through the field, about 150 feet bellow. As he watched it brighten, he gestured to Mike. They both watched, and it grew bigger as well as brigher. Jim took out his camera and Mike his night-vision binoculars. The light appeared positioned above the ground, rather than situated upon it. Mike whispered, "It's a tunnel. Not just a light.".....}

{..."Consistently and independently, the remote viewers expressed feelings of "dread, nervousness, darkness and death" associated with their blind targetting of the property."}
As Jeff says: This is definately a story of "High Wierdness".
( from RI post 1/2006)

credits: pics from
jelleyfish ufo:November 17, 1974 Viborg, Jutland, Denmark
over city:2003 Plymouth, U K February.
thanks to:

RI (Jeff Wells)