Thursday, September 21, 2006

Johnny Gosch Timeline

Aug 1970
Lawrence E. King Jr. becomes manager of Franklin Credit Union in Omaha NE.-a "Fast-rising Republican party star."

George Walker Bush, the father of the current US president, becomes the Director of the CIA.

Sept 5,1982
Johnny Gosch,age 11 abducted while delivering papers in Des Moines Iowa. Johnny's mother wrote a letter to the paper pleading for more help in finding her son. The editor printed her letter in the paper and mocked it by allowing the police department to dissect it. The editor's name was James Gannon.

Feb 1987
Wash. Post runs article with details of local warehouse loaded with child/ritual porn .

Feb 1987
Tallahassee Police arrest two men with connection to 'Finders' in Florida. The two well dressed men had with them several children with no ID and were extremely unkempt. Investigations with DC police suggested a tie-in with the 'finders' in the warehouse there. Link

Jun 1989
Washington Times runs front page 'White House Tour Scandal". Link

Jul 1989
Craig Spence, alleged business partner with King found dead in a Boston Hotel room-alleged CIA op.

Nov 1988
Feds shut down FCU-four days before Bush Sr. becomes president elect.

Jan 1989
IRS audits reveal 40 million missing from FCU-onjust 2.6 million in assets. One of the large questions were why so many would keep CD's at a small rural bank .

Jul 1990
Gary Caradori, special investigator for the Nebraska State Legislature, killed with his 8 year old son in a plane explosion near Aurora (west of Chicago).

Jan 1990
More witnesses come forth tying FCU to Boys Town and Girls Foster Care Programs- in sexual abuse.

Jul 1990
Grand Jury of Douglas County NE throws out sexual abuse allegations-unprecedented & unusual: calling all allegations "cleverly contracted hoaxes".

May 1992
John DeCamp-Attorney for Paul Bonacci writes "The Franklin Cover-Up".

Sept 1990
Police officer who first responded to Caradori's plane crash mysteriously is killed in car accident. It was said he tried to relate 'numerous items of child porn' to the FBI who were at the scene within hours.

Oct 1989
Kathleen Sorenson-child advocate for abused children dies in mysterious car accident.

Oct 1989
Paul Bonacci identifies Bohemian Grove, Hunter Thompson, and the Temple of Set/Church of Satan.

Retired FBI agent Ted Gunderson assists investigation.

Jan 1990
Ted Gunderson Completes book: "Mystery of the Carefully Crafted Hoax".-a paradox of what the grand jury said of the dozens of children that testified against powerful people.

'Conspiracy of Silence' was to air on Discovery Channel-abruptly canceled and company re-reimbursed for lost revenue. All copies were thought to be destroyed, but Ted Gunderson said he was mailed a copy anonymously. Link

Multiple mysterious murders, suicides or accidents occurred to people associated with FCU or Larry King.

Reports of harassment and threats to victims and witness prior to testimonies.

Dec 1989
Carol Stitt, Foster Care Executive reveals ties to FCU funds to Nicaragua-later mysteriously STOPS writing about FCU altogether.

Feb 1999
Judge Urbom awards Paul Bonacci $1 million against King for sexual misconduct. link

Dec. 13, 1999
President candidate George W.Bush shocked the world by declaring that " Jesus had changed his heart".

David Aikman, an awarded Evangelical Christian Publisher and correspondent for Time Magazine and Washington observer and commenter, completes his dissertation of President Bush's spirituality: "A Man of Faith". link

Jan 2005
Jeff Gannon, a supposed White House journalist, is exposed as a fraud-and a male prostitute. He was employed by "Talon News Services Inc." whom had no history as a news

Feb 2005
Hunter Thompson dies from "Suicide". Alleged to be tied into many of the photo/sex sessions of

Feb 2005
Jeff Gannon-a 'White House Reporter' is suggested to be Johnny Gosch on various website alt. news groups.

Feb 2005
Rusty Nelson, assistant photographer w/Thompson is arrested in VA -charged with child porn.

Feb 2005
Paul Bishop who 'helped' Ms. Gosch in 1984 and had definite ties to political groups in Washington DC- is arrested in VA-charged with child porn after she lost contact with him for decades, according to Ms. Gosch.

Feb 2006
The Johnny Gosch Foundation website proclaims photos delivered of abduction sent to Ms. Gosch anonymously. Link

Sept. 2006
President Bush says that he senses a "Third Awakening" of religious devotion in the United States.


Note: I tried to post what I hope will be honoring to the victims of this ongoing tragedy. Please let me know if I can improve this information. -AJ

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hard working men

When Richard C. Woollam was asked by a recent House hearing on what the f*ck happened to cause oil spills out in the beautiful Alaskan wild due to leaky pipelines that were reportedly not well maintained for months, his response was:
"Based upon the advice of counsel, I respectfully will not answer questions."
Sounds kind a defense of someone getting a dress wet a few years back.
Now that would not bother me if it really was just a silly human mistake. Exxon oil spill? Not a problem, everyone needs to get drunk once in a while. Insider trading scandals? Hey, everyone needs a friend. No bid contracts? You got the money?I've got the time!

The thing that really pisses me off is that this guy most likely received a 6 figure income plus stock benefits as 'former head' of monitoring Prudhoe Bay. This moron was in charge of preventing the very thing that allegedly took them by surprise. Perhaps he was in the Horse training business before he was hired like 'Heck- of-a-job-Browny' was.

OK. I admit, I'm a little jealous. Getting over paid, screwing up and pleading the fifth, who wouldn't be?
Especially with the stock options.

It's also not that they didn't have plenty of warning from others concerning the pipeline corrosion. But where there's conspiracy theories floating there's also talk radio:

"I was listening to some fellow on local talk radio last night...he claims he worked on the pipeline when it was being built, and claims that the notion that the whole thing had to be shut down for repair was complete and utter B.S. He stated that there were numerous sections of spare piping at various substations along the pipeline, which could be very rapidly put into place to bypass large sections of the pipe while they are inspected and repaired. The only conclusion he could come to was that the shutdown was a ruse to justify increased oil prices. "

I have great respect for the advances BP has done to fund church charities, create alternative fuel sources ...and well, just 'thinking outside the box':

Lord Browne, the chief executive of BP, has been called on by a Texas judge to give testimony on the Texas City fire which killed 15 people and injured many others. The settlement offered to victims, including the suggested church donation, was deemed unusual but not illegal. It was "outside the box, but I don't think it was unethical", said Judge Susan Criss.
BP declined to comment

I also have great respect for Rep. Diana DeGette for her take on BP's vision and work ethics:

Rep. Diana DeGette D-Colo., said she was especially disappointed in BP, since it professes in advertising to pride itself on protecting the environment.
"I applaud BP for trying to move beyond petroleum, but maybe it should start by sticking to the basics and begin to focus on rudimentary pipe maintenance."

Yes, maybe. Might want to check her income statements.

Oh, one last thing -
if the above isn't enough. BP, while grievously shortchanging pipeline maintenance (not to speak of the Texas City Refinery disaster the year before) found $8.5 billion, I repeat $8.5 billion, to buy back 725 million of its shares during the first half of 2006 alone. And to raise its dividend by 11%.
Nice work if you can get it. Thanks BP!

And to think I sold the stock to buy dollar calls. THE JESUS CAMP MOVIE!! OUT IN NOV 2006 A MUST SEE!